Today was the day Gwen and I have been looking forward to, the Tulsa Foundation for Architecture's Cathedral Tour. The Cathedral Tour did not disappoint, our favorite. As we walked into the sanctuary of one of the churches Gwen grabbed me and said, "Look at the heart in the organ." And she showed me another heart facing it. Bob and Katie Belle. Now I know I will be receiving double hearts. We had a good day. |
We left East Dallas Vet and Randall loaded Katie Belle in my car before he left for home so I could take her to meet her Aunt Cynthia. Big hug and welcome from her aunt. Cynthia's kitties just hid under the sofa.
We assumed Katie Belle would just jump in my back seat when we left. Nope 110 pounds just looked at us. I got in and pulled while Cynthia pushed. Thirty minutes later she was sprawled out across the seat hoping for a treat. We think NOT! Cynthia's parting words, "You couldn't have adopted a cat? A rabbit? A gerbil?" , Monday, Halloween morning, Katie Belle crossed the Rainbow Bridge and jumped into Bob’s waiting arms.
So many loved her, whether they never met her in person or walked with her every day. We thank all of you for the love. Katie Belle came into our lives when I was at the lowest point in mine. She was 110 pounds when East Dallas Veterinary Clinic Dr. Virginia Ellsworth was asked if I could have her and she said, “Not just yes, but hell yes”. Katie Belle needed someone who would devote her life to this Darling Child’s health and happiness and I needed to be that someone. She is my Privilege and my Love. I am lost, as is Dewey our kitten Here in Tulsa, there in Dallas, Santa Fe, Wisconsin, Arizona and many other states, we are engulfed in a giant hug of love and kindness from friends. We are overwhelmed. A big help I think would be to devote my “Lottie Logic” blog to Katie Belle, writing about our escapades together during our journey. I’m going to set a goal to post Saturday and Wednesday. Stay tuned. Below First picture, first time Randall and I saw her at the clinic. Second picture, first picture of us at home. Lovely art show opening at Arts @ 302 art gallery in Broken Arrow yesterday evening. Sally, Bob Bell and I so enjoyed the art, meeting the artists and a great conversation with the director's daughter who, as Sally said after, "She is going places". Between the Bells and me we knew a lot of the patrons and now know more. Bob finally commanded, "The snacks are good, but we are now leaving for the restaurant". We sat outside enjoying one of those perfect autumn evenings with the evening light casting a beautiful glow on all. Support your local artists, galleries and art shows.
Maple Ridge Art Happening how is tomorrow October 8th. Check out the flyer. See you there! ![]() This Saturday you must not miss the fabulous artists and their art for sale in Maple Ridge at Pam Watson's art show, a Tulsa favorite for years and now bigger than ever. My first time on the show with my new art making baskets, or you know me - my idea of baskets. Everyone loves to hang out with artists and it's going to be a beautiful a fall day. Drive up in a large motorcar and load it up with the art you've fallen in love with.
I love the illusive Bamboo Chrysanthemum plant. Found one at Liggett Studio paper making/sculpting lab. Dewey was a big help helping construct and hang though one chrysanthemum is now confetti. Didn't realize the plant has to live hanging from the ceiling if a kitty lives in your home, now I understand why. Dewey is already working on the next paper project. It will probably hang out of reach also.
Along with the other 3 Musketeers, we took a paper making lab with Steve Liggett at Liggett Studio. I'd taken some paper making classes through the years, but this one was really interesting. Steve had a curly piece of paper he'd made, sculpted and showed us so when he offered a paper making/sculpture lab during the summer I jumped at the chance and Catherine stepped up to be my partner.
Dreams are big and there's always more to the process than you realize, but this has been an experience. Here's the steps for the first piece of paper I embedded with fishing net and other scraps I picked up on the beaches of several Greek Islands. Can't seem to help myself from "procuring" found objects big and small., in the US and overseas. I'm going to make this into a chandelier, with more curly pieces. Yes always and forever enchanted with chandeliers. More curly pieces to be posted (and procured stuff). Meet Arabella Dragonfly. Isn't she marvelous? As with all dragonflies, when she visits she uses her second set of wings to bring the spirit of someone I love to visit. I so appreciate her. However, today she has some special information for us - LEAVES ARE NOT LITTER. Please read, understand and keep beneficial insects habitats together. Arabella and I are hoping for even more fireflies this year.
Three friends attended their "Let's Talk Gardening" group Tuesday and then started the argument of where shall we go to lunch. As they approached the restaurant Friend #1 said, "Look at this darling little tree under the big Japanese Maple, it almost looks full grown, but it won't live with no sun once the maple leafs out.
Friend #2 said to Friend #1, "You've got a big purse, put the tree in your purse for me." Friend #3 said, "I have a trowel in my car". Friend #2 said, "I'll go ask permission from the restaurant hostess, they always own the restaurant". The hostess said, "Go for it." Friend #3 came back from her car empty handed. The three friends vowed to return with trowels and bags. And they did. So important to save a tree. Most important to have friends who will make a second trip with trowels. And vow to always have trowels in their car. Meet Melissa the Magic Tree and watch for updates on Melissa. My artist friend Linda Brooks Alread took me to a lovely gallery here where I met Cynthia Ann Brown a good friend of Linda's. She was weaving a darling basket. Linda and I were interested and she invited us to join the Tulsa Basketeers group. They meet at the lodge at the Gathering Place. And all are great weavers, so generous with their expertise and lovely women and men. My Linda's talent for basket weaving must have been just waiting because her baskets, lots of them compared to my one, are wonderful. And she's still going strong. I'm feeling the Eldorado, NM vibe back when my days were filled with great friends in my beading and weaving groups. They all gently moved me to the world again and I am still in touch with them. Just sent them a picture of my basket. The material I used is from one of the friends there who had a moving sale. I think her material makes the mistakes less notable. Or is it the friendship? And yes, there's a hole in the middle of the basket. The group had all kinds of ideas for me to cover it and told me to keeping thinking of something creative. Oh dear, they really don't know me yet!!!!!! This has also inspired me to get back to this blog. More to come! |
LottieSomeone said I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.
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