This chandelier beckoned me and addict that I am, had to go estate sale ing. Thank goodness the magnetic force didn't go past the neighborhood. Second chandelier for the carport. I'm thinking a pinkish/red or turquoise paint job. For the chandelier, not the car.
I'm enjoying my oatmeal and banana one morning and browsing through the February Lakewood Advocate, my favorite neighborhood magazine. Page 53 bottom right corner has an add for one of my favorite stores, Makers Connect. The picture in the add is of 3 of my little fused glass hearts surrounded in metal. Delighted and embarrassed. I haven't brought any to sell in forever. Off to King Architectural Metal. Back to my studio to cut and bend. Put protective barrier inside metal hearts. Add a touch of glass. The result: the woman in front buys a heart while I'm delivering them to Makers Connect.
The woman in back break into song. Our next Broadway musical star! Happy Valentine's Day Brought Earlene The Snapshot Queen to Angie's for a little fix up because I felt guilty leaving her in the car during Comic Com Sunday. Said thank you and goodbye to Angie when she finished my hair. Forgot Earlene. OOOOOOOOOOOOPS! Can't believe how much trouble I'm in.
Bob, Rich, Randall, Rachel and I went to Comic Com today. So did Earlene The Snapshot Queen, but can you believe we forgot her in the trunk????? We won't hear the end of this one. We are thinking of bringing State Fair Photos with a Comic Com twist to the Fan Expo Dallas, May 29 - 31. Stay tuned to this website for updates. Now enjoy a slideshow of today at Comic Com. On a cold dreary day this week the Forest Hills Garden Club field tripped to the DMA to enjoy, critique and whisper about Bouquets - French Still-Life Painting from Chardin to Matisse. And comment we did. Then our fav - lunch. Lines were long, but the most delicious pasta. Check out our video of Raul flipping it nearly to the ceiling. After lunch, the Crow Collection. Because we are so cute, the museum gave us 25% off expired coupons for the gift shop. There's a table in the gift shop I've lusted after for several months. WAY out of my price range. I asked if I could talk my girlfriends out of 3 coupons would the table be free? Check out the slide show of the trip and then flying pasta video. Two Saturdays in a row installing big kinetic art. Cold, windy and moving art - better than the Super Bowl. Keep watching for LottiePop Kinetic Scupture by Gustavo. |
LottieSomeone said I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.
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