Lovely two hour lunch with Rob. He had some ideas for Virginia and Jim who are driving in from Forest Hills this weekend. Rob knows the most interesting places here. Lots to talk about during Sunday lunch on the Plaza.
Driving home wonder of wonders - another heart just like the earlier one, a break in the clouds. I didn't even try to stop the car, just enjoyed every moment I could look without crashing the car. The first blue heart must have been from Jack on the way to see Judy. The second from Bob for me. They are truly in cahoots up there sending both of us similar hearts.
7:00 pm on the dot, Katie Belle got her leash and we were out the door. This ginormous heart was right there. I couldn't back up enough to get the entire heart in the picture. I'm thinking a bunch of people up there sent this one with Bob orchestrating.
Insanity or not, I believe I've found my religion out here in skies of the Land of Enchantment. The second picture is how the evening walk ended. Magic, every day.